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3 Insane AI Search engines better than ChatGPT


you are well aware of the limitations of ChatGPT, that it is incapable of generating factual information. Any article written by ChatGPT is rarely reliable enough for that fact.

Limitation of ChatGPT

  1. Limited training data: Although ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of text data, its training data still has limitations in terms of diversity and quality. This can sometimes result in biases or inaccuracies in its responses.
  2. Lack of common sense and real-world knowledge: ChatGPT is trained on text data and can generate coherent responses based on that data, but it lacks common sense and real-world knowledge that humans possess. For example, it may not understand the difference between a joke and a serious statement.
  3. Inability to understand the context: While ChatGPT can generate responses based on the immediate context of a conversation, it can sometimes struggle to understand the broader context or the user’s intent. This can lead to misunderstandings or irrelevant responses.
  4. Over-reliance on training data: ChatGPT’s responses are only as good as the data it was trained on. This means that it may struggle with tasks or topics that are not well-represented in its training data.
  5. Lack of emotional intelligence: ChatGPT does not have emotions or the ability to understand emotions. This means that it may not always be able to respond appropriately to emotional or sensitive topics.


Say hello to new search engines in the market that can find you more factual information. is a search engine built in Palo Alto, California, United States that summarizes web results using website categories, contrary to a traditional search engine that shows a list of links. The search engine was founded by former Salesforce employees and opened its public beta on November 9, 2021. does not store users’ IP addresses and does not collect users’ information for targeting ads. offers two modes: personal mode and private mode which is more confidential. As opposed to the personal mode, in private mode claims to not store users’ searches, share IP addresses with partners, or collect any information about searching.

Perplexity is a measure used to evaluate the performance of language models. It refers to how well the model is able to predict the next word in a sequence of words. As you’ll probably know by now, AI-generated text is procedurally generated; i.e. word-by-word.

It provides the references of the websites from which it is composing its answers and not artificially generating like ChatGPT. The ability to ask a follow-up question is a huge advantage that makes our favorite and a tough competitor to google. It also has a chrome extension that makes it more accessible from your browser.

Phind (formerly Hello) is a search engine that simply tells users what the answer is. Optimized for developers and technical questions, Phind instantly answers questions with simple explanations and relevant code snippets from the web.

Phind is powered by large, proprietary AI language models. It’s smart enough to generate answers based on information from multiple sources. With Phind, finding information is as seamless and informative as talking to a friend.

How to best use Phind

Phind works best when you ask full and detailed questions. For example, it’s good to start your question with something like “what is..” or “how to..”

If appropriate, indicate the topic of interest e.g “ python” or “..using nextjs”

Instead of “check if string is a palindrome,” try “how to check if string is a palindrome in javascript”

Instead of “rust,” try “what is rust?”

In conclusion, It’s worth noting that different AI search engines may excel at different types of tasks or provide different levels of accuracy depending on the data they’ve been trained on and the algorithms they use. Ultimately, the best search engine for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

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